Dry Eye Treatment in Daly City, CA
Do you ever feel like your eyes have turned to sandpaper? Do you find yourself reaching for eye drops throughout the day? That itchy, gritty feeling could be a sign of dry eye.
Dry eye is a pain. And it’s not just a minor annoyance. Anyone who has it knows that it gets in the way of your life. Not only is it itchy and painful – it also makes you want to get up and walk away from your screen when you should be working or enjoying your favorite show.
This common condition has many causes, including faulty tear glands, aging, medications, and even weather. But don't worry—there are effective treatments available for dry eye.
Let’s dive into what dry eye is and how we treat it at Clear Vision Eyecare in Daly City, CA.
What is Dry Eye Syndrome (DES)?
Dry eye is exactly what it sounds like: your eyes don’t stay wet. They either don’t make enough tears, or the tears don't do their job. Dry eye can make your eyes feel irritated, itchy, or uncomfortable. It can even cause vision problems.
Millions of Americans suffer from dry eye every year. Luckily, you can find relief from dry eye with treatment!
What Causes Dry Eye?
Our eyes need to stay moist to work properly.
Normally, your tear glands create a wet film over your eyes. But sometimes this process doesn’t go according to plan.
For some people, the glands don’t make enough tears. For others, the glands make enough tears, but they dry up too quickly.
Other things can cause dry eye, too. These include:
Health conditions like diabetes, thyroid disease, and some autoimmune diseases.
Laser eye surgery, which can make your eyes produce less tears for a year or longer.
Some medications, like those for depression and high blood pressure.
Weather like wind, smoke, or low humidity.
Your eye doctor, or optometrist, can find out the root cause of your dry eye and recommend an effective treatment.
How Does Looking at a Screen Cause Dry Eye?
Screens are an unavoidable part of modern life. Especially here in Silicon Valley—the birthplace of screens!
Did you know that you blink 3 times less often when you’re staring at a screen?
That’s right. You should be blinking every 4 seconds, but you blink every 15 seconds when staring at a screen. That causes air to come in and make your eyes dry and sore.
Bet that makes you want to blink right now!
What Is the Treatment for Dry Eye?
Treatment for your dry eye varies depending on the cause. It can include medication, lifestyle changes, implants, and even surgery.
Prescription eye drops like Restasis, Cequa, or Xiidra can help you produce more tears.
Over-the-counter eyedrops or ointments can provide relief from dry eye symptoms. An eye doctor can help you choose the right kind for your needs.
Fish oil supplements can make your tears more oily so they evaporate more slowly.
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is a promising new treatment for when your tears are evaporating too quickly.
Silicone or collagen punctal plugs are placed in the tear duct opening to help conserve your own tears.
Lacrisert is an implant that provides continuous artificial tears for 18 to 24 hours.
Lifestyle Changes
A warm compress can help open the oil glands and increase oil flow into the eyes. This also preserves the tear film and slows evaporation.
Reducing and taking breaks from screen time can prevent your eyes from drying out.
Staying hydrated can help you maintain enough tears.
Is There a Cure for Dry Eye?
Unfortunately, there’s not a permanent cure for dry eye. But there are many ways to manage or prevent symptoms. Your optometrist can recommend several different treatments to find what works best for you.
How Do I Know If I Have Dry Eye?
If you have any of the following symptoms, you may have dry eye:
Red eyes.
Gritty or sandy feeling in your eyes.
Teary eyes.
Dull or aching pain.
Sharp pain.
An eye doctor will be able to determine whether your symptoms are from dry eye or something else.
How Do I Prevent Dry Eye?
If something in your life or your environment is causing your dry eye, Dr. Koutoulas may suggest changes to help protect your eyes. Possible changes include:
Taking regular breaks from your computer or other digital devices.
Using a humidifier in your home or office.
Wearing wraparound sunglasses while outside to protect your eyes from wind and other irritants.
Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
Schedule An Appointment for Dry Eye Treatment in Daly City, CA
If you are experiencing dry eye, don't suffer in silence! We understand that dry eye can be frustrating and painful, and we are here to help.
Our experienced optometrist Dr. Koutoulas at Clear Vision Eyecare sees hundreds of patients in Daly City with dry eye each year.
At your eye exam, he will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to get you out of pain and seeing the world in a whole new light.